Read more about the article Diners Leap Into The Air And Run For Their Lives As Huge Snake Enters Restaurant
People escape after seeing a snake at a restaurant in Yunnan, China, Saturday, Jun. 8, 2024. The snake was put into a sack and sent to a mountain to be released. (1130962403/AsiaWire)

Diners Leap Into The Air And Run For Their Lives As Huge Snake Enters Restaurant

This is the moment a group of diners enjoying a relaxing evening meal flee in terror when a large snake enters the restaurant where they are sitting. The footage…

Read more about the article China’s Most Famous Scenic Waterfall Comes From Tap Water – Not Natural Mountain Springs
A pipe is seen at the top of Yuntaishan Waterfall, in Xiuwu County, China, undated. Authorities claim its there to help during dry season. (Farisvov/AsiaWire)

China’s Most Famous Scenic Waterfall Comes From Tap Water – Not Natural Mountain Springs

A scenic beauty spot has been accused of fraud after an enthusiastic climber wanted to go to the source and was shocked to discover a huge water pipe. The…

Read more about the article Solar Halo Like Eye In Sky Appears Over China
Video shows a halo in Kunming, China, undated. Li Xiaopeng, director of the Kunming Meteorological Observatory, said that the reason for the formation of a solar halo is similar to that of a rainbow. (AsiaWire)

Solar Halo Like Eye In Sky Appears Over China

This is the impressive solar halo that appeared like an eye in the sky above China that had netizens saying that it was as if the sun was wearing contact…

Read more about the article Optical Illusion Makes It Look Like A Waterfall In The Sky
Photo shows the spectacular view of Lushan Waterfall, Jiangxi on May 13 2024. (AsiaWire)

Optical Illusion Makes It Look Like A Waterfall In The Sky

These images have captured an optical illusion making it look like a waterfall in the sky. The stunning footage of the Lushan Waterfall, in China's south-eastern Jiangxi province, was…

Read more about the article Searing Mexican Heatwave Kills Parrots In Mid Air
Birds lying dead after collapsing to the ground due to dehydration and heat stroke amidst a heat wave in the states of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico, undated. According to authorities, temperatures were up to 54 degrees Celsius, which the birds cannot tolerate. (Selva Teenek Ecopark/Newsflash)

Searing Mexican Heatwave Kills Parrots In Mid Air

This is the heartbreaking aftermath of a killer heatwave that is devastating populations of birds and animals in Mexico. Stricken creatures have been simply dropping dead as extreme temperatures…

Read more about the article Mushroom-Hunting Child Finds A Live Snake Instead
A two-year-old boy picks up a snake with bare hands in the woods in Aksu, Xinjiang, China, undated. After that, he threw it and ran away. (Gz198996Wk/AsiaWire)

Mushroom-Hunting Child Finds A Live Snake Instead

This is the moment a cute video of a toddler playing in the leaves turned into a horror movie when a twig turns out to be a snake. The…

Read more about the article Giant ‘Spider Web’ Covering Bush Amazes Man In China
A huge spider web appears overnight in Quanzhou, Fujian, China, undated. It covered an area of more than 30 square meters. (520yaobaige/AsiaWire)

Giant ‘Spider Web’ Covering Bush Amazes Man In China

This is the moment a man shares his amazement after discovering what he said was a massive spider web that appeared overnight. The video footage shot in Quanzhou which…

Read more about the article Day Of The Dragon Marked With Spectacular Solar Halo
A beautiful halo appears around the sun in the sky of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, undated. It's an atmospheric optical phenomenon. (131590349/AsiaWire)

Day Of The Dragon Marked With Spectacular Solar Halo

This is the spectacular solar halo that appeared on an auspicious day celebrating the Dragon in China recently. The footage seen here was shot in the city of Shenzhen…

Read more about the article Authorities Clean River At Tourist Site Of Piles Of Clothes Thrown By Visitors For Good Luck
Authorities clean a river under Taiping Bridge in Mianyang, Sichuan, China, undated. Some people threw their money and clothes off the bridge to pray for good luck. (919644472/AsiaWire)

Authorities Clean River At Tourist Site Of Piles Of Clothes Thrown By Visitors For Good Luck

This is the moment authorities clear a river of clothes tossed by tourists from the bridge above as offerings of good luck amidst festival celebrations. The massive clean-up operation…