Rare Air-Breathing Fish Fed Up With Living In Small Tank Leaps To Its Death

This is the moment a rare air-breathing fish that has spent its entire six years of life in an increasingly small aquarium smashes through the lid and dies after crashing to the floor.

CCTV camera footage shows a barechested man working on fixing a bamboo pole to a broken room when the fish smashes against the lid of the tiny aquarium.

Seconds later it tries again, and this time the lid comes flying free with the fish launching through the air and landing on the floor among plants which appear to be on sale in the store in the city of Baoding in China’s Hebei province on 5th June.

The man runs off to get help while the huge fish writhes around on the floor sending flowerpots scattering. A short while later the man returns and they are seen attempting to put the injured fish back into the aquarium where it died a short while later.

The owner said it was a six-year-old Arapaima fish that he had managed to grow to 1.6 metres and was worth more than RMB 50,000 (GBP 5,400).

An Arapaima fish throws itself outside of tank, in Baoding, China, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. It died. (@8888885Q7/AsiaWire)

He said it was not only very expensive, but it was a pet and he was devastated at its loss.

The Arapaima is native to the Amazon River Basin in South America and is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.

The adult fish can reach 2-6 metres in length. They live relatively freely in the natural environment, but in artificial environments, especially when they are raised in fish tanks, they often become irritable due to space restrictions and environmental changes, and even jump out of the tank.

The International Red List of Endangered Species does not categorise how much threat it is under because they do not have sufficient data to estimate.

An Arapaima fish rolles on the ground in Baoding, China, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. It threw itself outside of the tank and died. (@8888885Q7/AsiaWire)

This incident quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet with commentators like ‘Don’t Talk About The Past’ saying: “I feel like the family is very slow to respond.”

And user ‘Zhongqing’ said: “The fish is too big to handle.”

While the user ‘Guilin Wins’ said: “The tank is too small.”


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