Hungry Bears Break Into Tibet Hotel In Search Of Food

These images show how two hungry bears broke into a hotel in Tibet in search of food.

The incident took place when a man travelling by motorcycle stayed at the hotel overnight and caught the two bears red-handed, apparently looking for food, after breaking into the hotel in Baiga Township, Burang County, Nagqu, Tibet.

The man, named only as Dazui, said he heard dogs barking early in the morning so he went to find out what they were barking about.

The footage he filmed shows the two bears in the hotel lobby, apparently looking for something to eat while a group of dogs bark at them.

Dazui said: “This is the first time I’ve seen a wild bear. Bears often come out here at night to look for food.”

He added: “They were looking for food on the ground floor and didn’t come up to the first floor, so we weren’t afraid.”

The man tries to shoo the bears away and make noises to entice them to leave but they appear no more threatened by his shouts than by the dogs barking at them.

Locals later said that bears often enter residential areas to look for food, adding that they do not attack people in comments shared on 30th May.

Dazui said that his boss told him that locals often nail their doors shut at night to prevent bears from getting in.

Online commentators like ‘I Want To Open La la La’ said: “Although it sounds a bit thrilling, this experience is quite rare.”

And user ‘Yuppie J’ said: “This bear is not aggressive. It is just hungry. So don’t think that large animals are scary. In fact, they are much kinder than humans. Of course, you must also protect yourself.”

While the user ‘Spear’ said: “He’s just looking for something to eat, give him some.”


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