RACC OFF YOU LOT: Cop Slings Rowdy Raccoons Out Of Park

When you are a city cop, you might get used to tracking down suspicious night prowlers wearing masks and striped outfits.

So when this cop in Pueblo, Colorado State, USA, came across a gang hiding in a park he had to move fast.

Luckily for him, they were just a family of raccoons making the most of the park life without pesky humans getting in their way.

A group of racoons are dispersed by police at a par and warned about the park curfew closing at 10:00pm, in Pueblo City, Colorado, USA, on 21st July. (Pueblo Police Department/Newsflash)

Video footage of the heartwarming encounter shows four racoons – what looks like a mum and three kits – crouched under a table on 21st July.

As he shines a torch on them he tells the group:: “Move it along. Park closes at 10. Past curfew.”

Amazingly the raccoons obey, skulking off into the night with a few sulky looks over their shoulders.

A group of racoons are dispersed by police at a par and warned about the park curfew closing at 10:00pm, in Pueblo City, Colorado, USA, on 21st July. (Pueblo Police Department/Newsflash)

The officer went on to say: “Thank you. Have a good night… Keep going.”

Pueblo Police Department explained: “Just after 10:00pm several suspicious parties were contacted in Pueblo City Park.

“They were warned about the park curfew closing at 10:00p and given a warning.”


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