OH DEER: Car Breaks As Jaywalking Deer Makes Dash Across Road

US cops have shared pictures of a close call between a car and a deer that ran in front of them.

A deer runs in front of a police a car in Dixon, Illinois, USA. A police officer nearly missed hitting the deer running across the road at night. (@DixonILpolice/Newsflash)

Newsflash obtained the video from Oakboro Police Department, along with a short statement saying: “Big sigh of relief from both parties here!”.

It was posted with an image of a smiley face and a picture of a deer with online commentators noting that it appeared to be shot near the local prison in Dixon, Illinois, where there are apparently a lot of dear regularly spotted.

The video attracted a lot of comments, including one from the police that said: “Big sigh of relief from both parties here!”


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