Mother Bear’s Ferocious Attack On Truck

This is the moment an angry mother bear begins to rip apart a truck in a forest in Japan after it comes between her and her cub.

The furious attack began as the truck drove along a remote trail on the outskirts of the city of Nemuro, on Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido, on 28th April.

Explosive dashcam footage, obtained by Newsflash from the Hokkaido Prefectural Police, shows the huge bear bursting out of the treeline and sprinting straight at the truck.

As the diver tries desperately to reverse the bear brings its massive paws crashing down on the windscreen, damaging a windscreen wiper.

While the driver and his passenger scream in terror the bear attacks with another mighty swipe, this time cracking the windscreen.

Vide shows a brown bear jumping out from the side of a forest road and charging towards a truck on 28 April 2024, in Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido police/Newsflash)

The driver honks the vehicle’s horn as the bear shifts to the side of the truck, giving him the chance to floor it.

As they escape, the driver and his colleague are heard saying (in Japanese) “Did you see that?” and “It’s coming, it’s coming, oh my God!”

Local media reported that the two people in the vehicle were unnamed men out picking wild onions.

Bear expert Masami Yamanaka from the Shiretoko Nature Foundation told local media: “The car got between the parent and cub.

Vide shows a brown bear jumping out from the side of a forest road and charging towards a truck on 28 April 2024, in Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido police/Newsflash)

“Since the car approached before the parent bear could escape with its cub, the bear likely decided that it had no choice but to attack.”

The local police called on people to be cautious when travelling through the forest.

Nemuro Police said: “Never get out of the van when something like this happens.”


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