Customs Discover Seven Wolf Carcasses Smuggled Under Back Seat Of Lorry’s Cabin And Inside Tyres

The shocking video shows customs discovering seven wolf carcasses hidden under the back seat of a lorry’s cabin and inside the tyres.

Footage shared by Erlian Customs, in the Chinese Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. Shows customs officers scanning a cargo lorry on 9th January.

The video further depicts them approaching the vehicle in order to check in person, after reportedly having discovered something unusual.

Erlian Customs said in a statement obtained by AsiaWire: “They conducted a manual inspection of the suspicious areas marked by the image review centre and found suspicious items hidden in the rear seat of the vehicle cab and in the tyres.

“After dismantling the vehicle, a total of seven complete wolf carcasses were found, which were handed over to the anti-smuggling department for further processing.”

Customs seizes seven wolf carcasses hidden in an entry truck. In Inner Mongolia, China, undated. They were found hidden in the rear seat of the cab. Inside the tires. (Customs Releases/AsiaWire)

They continued: “Wolves are listed as Level 2 on the country’s National List of Key Protected Wild Animals and are also listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.”

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According to the law, transporting protected species without possessing. A special certificate issued by the authorities is strictly prohibited in China.

Smugglers face criminal responsibility if caught, stated the customs. It was not disclosed whether the lorry driver was arrested.


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