Read more about the article Marine Reptile That Lived 170 Million Years Ago Identified As Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Pliosaur
Image shows an illustration of the oldest megapredatory pliosaur, Lorrainosaurus, in the ancient Middle Jurassic sea, undated photo. It thrived in today's northern France 170 million years ago. (Joschua Knueppe/Newsflash)

Marine Reptile That Lived 170 Million Years Ago Identified As Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Pliosaur

The fossils of a 170-million-year-old monster have been identified as the oldest-known mega-predatory reptile closely related to the famous long-necked plesiosaurs. Image shows an illustration of the oldest megapredatory pliosaur,…

Read more about the article Husky With One Blue Eye And One Brown Saves Kitten With Same Eye Colour By Donating Blood
Husky Bret Michaels, 6, poses in undated photo. He saved the life of Thorn, a kitten suffering from flea anemia, trough a blood transfusion, in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023. (@NebraskaHumaneSociety/CEN )

Husky With One Blue Eye And One Brown Saves Kitten With Same Eye Colour By Donating Blood

A dog has saved the life of a tiny kitten after providing a life-saving blood transfusion. Husky Bret Michaels, 6, poses in undated photo. He saved the life of Thorn,…

Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes World’s Slowest Baby
Photo shows a sloth cub born at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, with its mother, undated. The cub was born on Aug. 20, 2023, and was hidden in the mother's protective peritoneum. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes World’s Slowest Baby

The adorable footage shows the moment a newborn two-toed sloth snuggles into its mum's fur as visitors at the oldest zoo in the world see it for the first time.…

Read more about the article Soldier Finds Moth With Clever Disguise Hiding On Uniform
Photo shows Daphnis nerii, also known as the army green moth, undated. It is a migratory species, flying to parts of eastern and southern Europe during the summer, particularly Turkey, very occasionally reaching western Europe, including England. (CEN)

Soldier Finds Moth With Clever Disguise Hiding On Uniform

This is the now you see it now you don't moment when a soldier finds a huge camouflage-patterned moth hiding in the pattern of his combat uniform. The baffled…

Read more about the article Hungry Flyer Caught With Smoked Snake Snack In Luggage
Photo shows Armadillo Girdled Lizard meat that was caught at Stuttgart Airport on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. A man, 34, from Cameroon tried to smuggle four kilos of the exotic animals. (Hauptzollamt Stuttgart/Newsflash)

Hungry Flyer Caught With Smoked Snake Snack In Luggage

A plane passenger flying from Cameroon was seized by customs officers in Germany when they found a grim stash of smoked snake and lizard meat in his luggage. Photo shows…

Read more about the article Amazed American-Brazillian Influencer Finds Opossum Gave Birth On Her Dining Table
Photo shows Brazillian influencer Virginia Fonseca, undated. A possum gave birth on her dining table on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. (@virginia/CEN)

Amazed American-Brazillian Influencer Finds Opossum Gave Birth On Her Dining Table

This is the maternal moment when a mother opossum gives birth to her litter of babies at a gorgeous American-Brazilian influencer's dining table in Brazil. Video footage shot by…

Read more about the article Flying Frogs Camouflage Themselves As Poo To Avoid Being Eaten By Predators Says Study
Image shows a young Wallace's flying frog, undated photo. A study from the University of Vienna, Austria, showed that the species camouflages as faeces to avoid being eaten by predators. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Flying Frogs Camouflage Themselves As Poo To Avoid Being Eaten By Predators Says Study

New research by the world's oldest zoo has revealed that a species of flying frog disguises itself as poo in order to avoid being eaten by predators. The study,…

Read more about the article  Wildlife Officials Used Live Puppies As Bait For Rogue Panthers
Picture shows the trapped panthers (Panthera pardus) in Kuala Pilah, Malaysia, undated. Workers of Malaysias wildlife department used puppies as live bait in trap to catch panthers, because it attacked dogs. (@dsaminuddinharun/CEN)

 Wildlife Officials Used Live Puppies As Bait For Rogue Panthers

Cruel wildlife officials in Malaysia have been shamed by animal lovers after it emerged they used tiny live puppies to catch rogue panthers in the wild. Picture shows the trapped…

Read more about the article Giant Hotel Aquarium Most Likely Burst Due To Botched Renovations
Image shows the 25-meter (82-foot) aquarium that burst at a hotel in downtown Berlin, Germany, undated photo. The incident happened on Friday, Dec. 16, 2022. (CEN)

Giant Hotel Aquarium Most Likely Burst Due To Botched Renovations

A giant Berlin aquarium that shattered in the foyer of one of Berlin's biggest hotels sending 1,400 tropical fish gushing in the lobby had allegedly exploded because of renovation errors.…