Proud Mother Bear And Her Cute Cubs Out For A Walk In The Woods

This is the moment a mother bear leads her fast-growing cubs past a camera trap on a forest ridge.

The bear family can be seen at the Land of the Leopard National Park in Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East in May, 2024.

Mother bear sniffs the ground around her and, apparently following a well-worn path, decides where to move next and heads further into the forest.

Obediently her bear cubs follow their mother.

The images were obtained from the Land of the Leopard National Park with a statement saying: “In a friendly line, the “gang” walks through the territory of the national park. Mama bear teaches her children about forest life.

“Cubs are born in the den from late December to early February. There are usually 2-3 cubs in a litter.

“At the same time, the father bear “disappears” and is not involved in raising his offspring.

“But mother bears successfully raise new residents of protected areas even without the participation of their “other half”.


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