Brute Who Trafficked Nine Pups In Storage Boxes Facing Jail

Puppies left gasping for breath in plastic storage containers found in the back of a van have been saved by police in Germany.

Image shows the puppies that were stuffed inside plastic boxes, undated photo. They were found during a police check in the municipality of Kodersdorf, Saxony State, Germany, on Wednesday morning, June 14, 2023. (Federal Police Inspectorate Ludwigsdorf/Newsflash)

The nine pedigree pups were discovered by horrified officiers after stopping a car in Kodersdorf, Saxony State, on 14th June.

The van’s driver is facing up to three years in jail under some of the toughest animal cruelty laws in the world.

Inside two boxes, police found three dachshunds and six French bulldog pups in sweltering conditions.

Inside the boxes, there was no food or water, and the exhausted puppies had just soiled pillows to rest on.

The closed storage cases – reports local media – meant the young dogs had very little access to fresh air.

The 38-year-old Polish national driver told police he was visiting his brother but hadn’t been able to find anyone at home to care for the dogs while he was away.

Police spokesperson Ivonne Hoeppner – from the Federal Police Inspectorate Ludwigsdorf – said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “The Pole stated that he wanted to visit his brother in Kleve.

Image shows the puppies that were stuffed inside plastic boxes, undated photo. They were found during a police check in the municipality of Kodersdorf, Saxony State, Germany, on Wednesday morning, June 14, 2023. (Federal Police Inspectorate Ludwigsdorf/Newsflash)

“But since he had no one to take care of the puppies while he was away, he decided to take them with him.”

But the driver could not provide a vaccination certificate for the puppies, pet passports or any legal documents to establish where or when they were born.

Police believe he was trafficking the animals into Germany and charged him under the German Animal Welfare Act.

Hoeppner explained: “His examination revealed that in the specific case it was to be assumed that the puppies were brought together for commercial purposes.

“In addition, valid rabies vaccination, EU pet passports and the necessary vet certificates were missing.”

The frightened puppies were later taken to a nearby animal shelter, where they were quarantined and given water, food and medical care.


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