TURKEY EARTHQUAKE: Dog And Three Pups Pulled Alive From Rubble After 29 Days

A pet owner is over the moon after rescuers pulled his pooch and three new puppies from the rubble of a building 29 days after the devastating double quake in Turkey.

Rescue workers reached the pet Dobermann in the basement of a collapsed seven-storey apartment block in the city of Antakya, Hatay Province, on 8th March.

Not only did they find 30-month-old Sila alive, but they also found three puppies she had given birth to during her time trapped under the rubble.

Rescuers pull out a dog and her three puppies from under the rubble in Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, Monday, March 6, 2023. The dog gave birth under the rubble and survived for a month before being rescued. (@meyako_rescue/CEN)

In footage of the rescue, a worker, upon reaching Sila, can be heard asking: “What did you drink here? What did you eat? Did you give birth to three of them?”

The images show how the basement, where the pet was kept, was left largely intact even as the rest of the building crashed down on top of it.

Sila’s owner and his family, who lived on the sixth floor, survived the collapse and were pulled from the rubble shortly afterwards.

The footage shows how after his beloved pet is reached, delighted Kadir Keyifli exclaims: “My dogs are coming out after one month. Thank God.”

Rescuers treat a dog and her three puppies after they were pulled from under the rubble in Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, Monday, March 6, 2023. The dog gave birth under the rubble and survived for a month before being rescued. (@meyako_rescue/CEN)

Kadir later revealed that Sila, who was pregnant when the first quake struck, had survived thanks to a large bag of dog food left in the basement.

He told local media: “We tried to rescue my dog for days. No one had the courage to enter that area.

“Finally, the Meyako [animal rescue] team had the courage to help us and gave us our baby back. I thank them very much.

“Sila was very weak. Normally, two people could not lift her, but now I can lift her alone. But she will recover.

“It was a miracle. She survived after 29 days. There was a bag of dog food nearby. She ate it little by little.

Rescuers pull out a dog and her three puppies from under the rubble in Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, Monday, March 6, 2023. The dog gave birth under the rubble and survived for a month before being rescued. (@meyako_rescue/CEN)

“She gave birth and all three puppies survived. I feel like my hands and feet have become untied. Sila was a source of hope for me.”

Rescue footage shows how Sila looks skinny but manages to walk unaided.

Local media reported that she and her pups were taken to a vet in the nearby city of Adana for treatment.

Vet Koray Kurklu told local media that Sila had lost a lot of fluid and sustained damage to her internal organs during the ordeal.

But he added that he and his team would do their very best to help her and her youngsters recover.


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