Runaway Sea Lion Leads Mall Staff On Wild Chase Through Shopping Centre

A sneaky sea lion was caught on video as it led mall staff on an exhaustive chase around the shopping centre after it escaped the entertainment area where it was kept.

Stunned shoppers watched as the sea lion evaded capture by its carers and other employees at the shopping centre in, Luoyang, in China’s central Henan Province.

In footage posted on 8th June, the giant mammal was seen running left and right trying to dodge its captors.

Staff struggled with carrying metal barriers trying to block it from running into the crowds.

Staff chase a sea lion in a mall in Luoyang, China, on Saturday, June 8, 2024. It escaped and was moving around the mall while customers were shopping. (@88075747/AsiaWire)

Numerous visitors gathered to observe as the sea lion ran past stores and was eventually cornered in front of a burger shop, then safely guided into a cage.

Meanwhile, security guards did their best to keep bystanders at bay to avoid triggering the approximately 600-lb animal’s aggression.

Online commentators like ‘The Eagle’ said: “Sea Lion: I’m already in the mall, so why don’t you let me go shopping?”

Staff chase a sea lion in a mall in Luoyang, China, on Saturday, June 8, 2024. It escaped and was moving around the mall while customers were shopping. (@88075747/AsiaWire)

And user ‘Dog Stack Cash Machine’ said: “Oh my god, I would be scared to death, it’s a sea lion.”

While the user ‘I’m So Sleepy’ said: “Hahahaha it’s a bit funny, but I guess everyone will be scared, it’s quite big.”


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