Read more about the article IGGY SPOT: Iguanas Extinct For Centuries Make Comeback
Expert from the Galapagos National Park holds an iguana on Santiago Island, Ecuador, in an undated photo. Experts through monitoring, found new individuals of various ages, which shows that this species is reproducing successfully. (Jean Pierre Cadena/Newsflash)

IGGY SPOT: Iguanas Extinct For Centuries Make Comeback

Iguanas extinct from a Galapagos island for generations have been reborn nearly two centuries after they were first recorded by Charles Darwin. The Galapagos land iguana had been completely wiped…

Read more about the article HOLE-Y MOLY: Mystery 80ft Sinkhole Terrifies Town
Picture shows a sinkhole in the Tierra Amarilla community, Chile, in a screen from an undated video. The authorities investigated whether this was caused by mining activity in the area. (Newsflash)

HOLE-Y MOLY: Mystery 80ft Sinkhole Terrifies Town

A massive sinkhole linked to a copper mine has terrified locals in northern Chile. The 82-foot-wide hole appeared in the commune of Tierra Amarilla, in Atacama Region, close to the…

Read more about the article SOME-FIN SPECIAL: Watchers Spot 166 Fin Whales Off Catalan Coast
Whales seen near the Spanish coast in undated footage. The whales were seen in the area during this spotting season in 2022. (Edmaktub/Newsflash)

SOME-FIN SPECIAL: Watchers Spot 166 Fin Whales Off Catalan Coast

Whale watchers have spotted an amazing 166 fin whales off the coast of Catalan during their migration season. Experts celebrated the high number, crediting good plankton-growing weather, the whale's favourite…

Read more about the article STICKING HER NECK OUT: Adorable Giraffe Calf Runs Rings Round Grown Ups
Photo shows giraffe cub Amari in Zoo Vienna. The Zoo put the youngster on show to mark her half birthday on Saturday, July 23, 2022. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

STICKING HER NECK OUT: Adorable Giraffe Calf Runs Rings Round Grown Ups

Adorable giraffe calf Amari has shown that she may be just six months old but she is already running rings around the adults in her zoo enclosure. Schoenbrunn Zoo in…

Read more about the article WATER RELIEF: Wildfire Heroes Give Drink To Parched Deer Saved From Inferno
The firefighters working in the area of Losacio, Zamora province, Spain, give water to a deer that they helped, 21st July 2022. (@JORGELAMRET/Newsflash)

WATER RELIEF: Wildfire Heroes Give Drink To Parched Deer Saved From Inferno This is the heart-lifting moment when a firefighter gives much-needed water to a parched deer after it was saved from a wildfire. Nearly 36,000 hectares of land have been…

Read more about the article WE GOT YOUR BACKS: Security Boost To Guard Humpbacks In Whale-Watching Season
Picture shows whales in the Colombian Pacific at the beginning of the spotting season in an undated footage. ( Armada Colombia/Newsflash)

WE GOT YOUR BACKS: Security Boost To Guard Humpbacks In Whale-Watching Season Naval chiefs in Colombia have boosted security patrols along the Pacific to protect humpbacks during the whale-watching season. At this time of year, thousands of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)…

Read more about the article HOW CUTE ARE ZOO? Newborn Snow Leopard Cubs Thrill Fans
The two young snow leopards Wajra and Warjun on a tour of discovery. (Zurich Zoo, Monika Bader/Newsflash)

HOW CUTE ARE ZOO? Newborn Snow Leopard Cubs Thrill Fans

A pair of cute snow leopard cubs were put on a heartwarming show for wildlife fans as they were shown off by their proud mum. Footage of the two-month-old pair…

Read more about the article RACC OFF YOU LOT: Cop Slings Rowdy Raccoons Out Of Park
A group of racoons are dispersed by police at a par and warned about the park curfew closing at 10:00pm, in Pueblo City, Colorado, USA, on 21st July. (Pueblo Police Department/Newsflash)

RACC OFF YOU LOT: Cop Slings Rowdy Raccoons Out Of Park

When you are a city cop, you might get used to tracking down suspicious night prowlers wearing masks and striped outfits. So when this cop in Pueblo, Colorado State, USA,…