Man Pushed Down Into Fish Pond By His Grumpy Horse During Morning Stroll

A man who took his horse on a morning walk beside a fish pond was left completely soaked after the animal decided to push him into the water.

CCTV cameras captured the hilarious moment taking place somewhere along the countryside in Anhui Province, eastern China at around 07:00am on 23rd July.

In the footage, the unnamed man and his equine friend are seen walking side by side next to a murky fish pond.

All of a sudden, the brown horse apparently decides to interrupt the peaceful morning stroll by pushing his owner down into the water.

As the confused man tries to pull himself up and quickly get on dry land, the horse runs off for a few feet almost as if it is playfully mocking him.

Then, after it has had its fun, it continues walking slowly up the same path they were walking on seemingly waiting for the owner to catch up.

A horse attacks his master and pushes him into the river in Anhui, China, Sunday, July 23, 2023. That happened when the man overtook the horse and walked to the front. (LY826285578/AsiaWire)

And it seems the owner took the whole thing light-heartedly despite having to walk back home totally soaked, as he shared the video on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, with the caption: “I was not pulled into the water by the fish, but pushed down by my own horse.”

Numerous netizens were apparently amused by the clip, with many of them branding the animal a spoiled pet.

One user titled ‘Letter from spring~’ commented: “Maybe the horse was just in a bad mood.”

And user ‘little’ wrote: “Its pace is not too fast nor slow, and the timing and position are just right. The horse obviously planned this for a long time.”


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