Hungry Bear Chases Woman Dog Walker Down Suburban Lane

This is the terrifying moment a dog walker scoops up her pup and flees a hungry bear chasing her down a suburban street.

Extraordinary security cam footage recorded in Zagorz, Poland, on 17th May, shows the woman walking her dog on a lead when suddenly she bends down and hoists it into her arms.

Instantly she begins sprinting as fast as she can go before disappearing into a nearby garden and apparently hiding behind a high hedge.

Moments later the cause of her horror becomes clear as a huge bear lumbers down the road at high speed seemingly in search of an easy meal.

Bear chases a woman down the street while she is walking her dog in Zagorz, Poland, on Friday, 17 May, 2024. This is the second time the bear has appeared in the town. (Marek Podkalicki/Newsflash)

Mercifully the bear misses her escape route and continues racing down the lane until the footage ends.

Another video, shot six days earlier (11th May) by another villager called ‘Monika Figat’ on Facebook, shows what could be the same bear in action again.

As it flees furiously barking dogs the bear runs down a lane just a few feet from people’s homes.

Bear chases a woman down the street while she is walking her dog in Zagorz, Poland, on Friday, 17 May, 2024. This is the second time the bear has appeared in the town. (Marek Podkalicki/Newsflash)

Town officials later issued a warning telling residents to be alert to the risk of bears.

Wildlife experts are reportedly trying to track the rogue bear and move it to a more rural location in the nearby Bieszczady Mountains.


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