Greedy Bear Gets Head Stuck In Wild Boar Feeder

This is the payback for a greedy bear that made a pig of itself trying to steal food from a wild boar feeder.

The bear was found stumbling blindly through woodlands in a Slovakian nature park two weeks after being first spotted with the feeder trapped on its head.

The feeder – a ridged tube – is supposed to be just wide enough to fit a boar’s snout.

But the bear’s head apparently became trapped when it found the corn packed inside impossible to resist.

Local media reported that the bear trudged around the Slovak Paradise national park for 70 kilometres (45 miles) before it was found and tranquilised.

Video footage of the bear shows it stumbling through the undergrowth trying to listen out for danger.

Unable to see, it could not eat and could only drink by dunking the feeder in water, according to local media.

Images of its capture show the bear lying on a forest floor after being tranquilised.

Further footage shows it finally freed after the hog feeder was removed from its head.

Slovakia’s State Nature Conservancy (SOP) said: “It survived for a long time solely thanks to the fact that it learned to drink water despite the feeder being stuck on its head.”

The animal was treated after being tranquilised before being released back into the wild, according to local media.


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