Graceful Black Swan Parents Having A Salad Lunch With Their Newborn Hatchlings

This realxing footage shows graceful black swan parents and their touching little fluffy hatchlings splashing in their own little pond at the Moscow Zoo in June, 2024.

Mom and dad enjoy fresh lettuce leaves floating in the water while their cygnets stay close to their parents.

Moscow Zoo said in a statement obtained by Clipzilla on 11th of June: “Black swans have given birth to cygnets.

“Five cygnets hatched at the end of May. Now the family lives in the indoor pavilion “Butterflies and Birds” in the New Territory.

“These graceful birds are devoted partners to each other and very caring parents. When people approach them, the male and female begin to hiss to protect their offspring.

“Previously, this couple lived on a pond, but it was not safe for the hatchlings there. Therefore, until the fall, the family will be in an indoor pavilion.

“Black swans have the longest neck among swans, which allows them to get food in deeper bodies of water.

“In nature, these birds live in Australia and New Zealand. Due to the climatic conditions in these countries, birds do not need to fly to warm places for the winter. However, if the swans’ habitat becomes uncomfortable for them, for example, too loud, they easily change it.

“At the Moscow Zoo, black swans breed annually. The female lays four to eight eggs, which are incubated by both parents in turn.

“Immediately after hatching, black swan cygnets eat the same as their parents. This is grain feed, vegetables, lettuce.”


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