FALL GUYS: Animals At World’s Oldest Zoo Nibble On Tasty Autumn Leaves

Animals at the world’s oldest zoo have joyfully welcomed autumn by devouring colourful autumn leaves and nuts in their enclosures.

Video footage shared by the Tiergarten Schonbrunn Zoo in the city of Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, 13th October, showed some of the zoo’s inhabitants happily rolling around in the pile of autumn leaves.

Others wandered around in their enclosures and hungrily nibbled on chestnuts that have been falling ever since the beginning of autumn last month.

Zoo keeper and district manager Christoph Groger said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “These are a special treat in autumn, especially for our collared peccaries.

Image shows an Indian rhinoceros, undated photo. Animals nibbled on flavourful autumn leaves in the Vienna Zoo, Austria. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

“Collared peccaries look like small wild boars at first glance, but they are native to Central and South America and belong to a systematic family of their own, the peccaries.

“They owe their name to the grey-white fur markings around their necks.

“Watching the peccaries happily eat chestnuts, acorns and nuts is a special pleasure for us every year.”

Zoo director Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck explained that many of the zoo’s guests prefer coming in autumn because of the colourful tones.

Image shows a collared peccary, undated photo. Animals nibbled on flavourful autumn leaves in the Vienna Zoo, Austria. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Hering-Hagenbeck said: “For many of our visitors, autumn is the most beautiful time of the year here in the Tiergarten.

“Now the animals can be observed particularly well as they enjoy the warm rays of sunshine after the cloudy weather of the last few weeks.”


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