Read more about the article Penguins From World’s Oldest Zoo Receive A Special Heart-Shaped Treat For Valentine’s Day
Image shows southern rockhopper penguins, undated photo. They received a special treat for Valentine's Day at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in the city of Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Penguins From World’s Oldest Zoo Receive A Special Heart-Shaped Treat For Valentine’s Day

The oldest zoo in the world has given threatened penguins a heart-shaped treat made from krill for Valentine's Day. Southern rockhopper penguins were in for a huge surprise after zookeepers…

Read more about the article CAUGHT FISH: Researchers Name Tiny Catfish After Indian Villagers Who Helped Trap Them
Image shows a computed tomography image of the skull of Horaglanis populi in frontal view, undated photo. The species was discovered with the help of the locals in the state of Kerala, India. (Britz, Senckenberg/Newsflash)

CAUGHT FISH: Researchers Name Tiny Catfish After Indian Villagers Who Helped Trap Them

Scientists have named a tiny endangered catfish species after Indian locals after they helped them find it in wells and underground water channels. Image shows the newly discovered, subterranean fish…

Read more about the article CANNIBAL TADPOLES: Zoo Boasts Success Breeding Rare Blue Poison Dart Frogs After Stopping Them Eating Each Other
Picture shows the colorful blue poisonous frog at Bioparc Valencia in Spain, undated. The animal's toxin is capable of paralyzing or even killing potential predators. (BIOPARC Valencia/Newsflash)

CANNIBAL TADPOLES: Zoo Boasts Success Breeding Rare Blue Poison Dart Frogs After Stopping Them Eating Each Other

The video shows vulnerable blue poison dart frog offspring after a zoo in Spain managed to successfully breed them recently by separating the surprisingly cannibalistic tadpoles. Picture shows the colorful…

Read more about the article One Third Of Plastic Debris That Reaches Arctic Comes From Outside, Says Study
Image shows plastic debris washed ashore in the Arctic sorted by country of origin, undated photo. A study showed that one third of plastic debris in the Arctic comes from Europe. (Alfred-Wegener-Institut, J. Hagemann/Newsflash)

One Third Of Plastic Debris That Reaches Arctic Comes From Outside, Says Study

Project scientists have found out that a third of the plastic waste that reaches the Arctic can be traced back to countries outside of it. Image shows plastic debris washed…

Read more about the article WHALE MEAT AGAIN: Coastguards Recover Giant Whale Carcass Floating In Sea
The crew of the survey vessel Baldurs free a dead whale Stakksfiroi Bay, Iceland, on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023. It had become entangled what is believed to be part of mussel farming equipment. (@landhelgisgslaislands2486/Newsflash)

WHALE MEAT AGAIN: Coastguards Recover Giant Whale Carcass Floating In Sea

The video shows the heartbreaking moment a hugely-inflated whale carcass is recovered from the Icelandic coast. The whale is believed to have drowned after becoming trapped in abandoned mussel-fishing…

Read more about the article Astronomers Find Rare Rocky Earth-Mass Planet About 31 Light-Years Away Suited To Probe For Life
Image shows an artist's conception of a rocky Earth-mass exoplanet like Wolf 1069 b orbiting a red dwarf star, undated photo. If the planet had retained its atmosphere, chances are high that it would feature liquid water and habitable conditions over a wide area of its dayside. (NASA, Ames Research Center, Daniel Rutter/Newsflash)

Astronomers Find Rare Rocky Earth-Mass Planet About 31 Light-Years Away Suited To Probe For Life

Astronomers have discovered a possibly habitable exoplanet only 31 light-years away from Earth. The international team of researchers led by Diana Kossakowski from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA),…

Read more about the article ICE AGE: Research Team Drills 14.8-Feet-Long Antarctic Ice Core Sample At A Depth Of 2,651 Feet Dating Back To 50,000 Years Ago
Image shows the Beyond EPICA oldest ice team, undated photo. They reached a dept of 808 metres in the Antarctic ice sheet. (PNRA, IPEV/Newsflash)

ICE AGE: Research Team Drills 14.8-Feet-Long Antarctic Ice Core Sample At A Depth Of 2,651 Feet Dating Back To 50,000 Years Ago

An international team of researchers has collected 50,000-year-old ice samples from a depth of 2,651 feet in Antarctica. The extracted ice core samples will reportedly aid the team of…

Read more about the article HAPPY TAIL: Adorable Goeldi’s Marmoset Monkey Threatened With Extinction Finds New Home In Swiss Zoo
Image shows the Goeldi's marmoset monkey at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, undated photo. It was listed as 'vulnerable' on IUCN's List of Threatened Species. (Zurich Zoo, Enzo Franchini/Newsflash)

HAPPY TAIL: Adorable Goeldi’s Marmoset Monkey Threatened With Extinction Finds New Home In Swiss Zoo

An adorable monkey native to the Amazon that is threatened with extinction has found a new home in a zoo in Switzerland. Video footage from the Zurich Zoo in…

Read more about the article CROC IDOL: Lotto Multi-Millionaire Stars In Rap Video With Alligator
Image shows lottery winner Kursat Yildirim, 42, nicknamed Chico, in undated photo. The 42-year-old man from the city of Dortmund, in Germany, denied that he bought an alligator worth EUR 62,000 (GBP 54,800). (Newsflash)

CROC IDOL: Lotto Multi-Millionaire Stars In Rap Video With Alligator

Fun-loving lotto multi-millionaire Kursat Yildirim's new life as a pop star has been revealed after he was seen walking an alligator on a lead. Image shows Kursat Yildirim, aged 42,…

Read more about the article CROCODILE SUITCASE: Live Albino Alligator Found By Customs In Passenger’s Luggage Finds Home In Germany
Image shows the albino alligator that was found inside a suitcase at Munich Airport, in Germany on Sept. 25, 2022. It was now moved to the TerraZoo in the town of Rheinberg, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. (TerraZoo/Newsflash)

CROCODILE SUITCASE: Live Albino Alligator Found By Customs In Passenger’s Luggage Finds Home In Germany

A rare albino American alligator that was seized by customs after a passenger from the USA tried to smuggle it in his suitcase on a flight to Singapore has found…