Read more about the article AWW NUTS…I’M STUCK: Bad-Tempered Squirrel’s Grate Escape
Image shows firemen rescuing a squirrel, on April 10, 2023. It was stuck in a manhole in the city of Dortmund, North-Rhine Westphalia State, Germany. (Dortmund Fire Brigade/Newsflash)

AWW NUTS…I’M STUCK: Bad-Tempered Squirrel’s Grate Escape

A bad-tempered squirrel drove rescuers nuts when it tried to bite them as they freed it from a manhole cover on a city street. Image shows firemen rescuing a squirrel,…

Read more about the article Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain
Picture shows the starlet sea anemone, undated. These sea creatures can learn without a brain according to a new study by Simon Sprecher, a neurobiologist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Newsflash)

Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain

Researchers claim to have found that it is not necessary to have a brain in order to learn something. The remarkable discovery was made by Prof. Simon Sprecher from the…

Read more about the article Adorable Baby Ape’s Day Out With Mum
Image shows orangutans at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in Vienna, Austria, undated photo. The animals were enjoying the beginning of the spring in March 2023. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Adorable Baby Ape’s Day Out With Mum

This is the moment a baby orangutan explores its enclosure in warm spring weather - but always keeps a tight grip on mum. The nine-month-old girl was being shown round…

Read more about the article Rising Temperatures May Cause Rockfalls In Alps, Says Study
Image shows rock glaciers which are widespread in the Alps, but less known than 'normal' glaciers, undated photo. The active Bock glacier in the Outer Hochebenkar is in the middle, while the Inner Hochebenkar with an inactive rock glacier is on the right. The Gurgler ridge is in the background. (3DGEO Heidelberg/Newsflash)

Rising Temperatures May Cause Rockfalls In Alps, Says Study

New research has shown that rising temperatures have made rock glaciers in the Alps unstable. The study, which was led by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OAeW), showed a significant…

Read more about the article USA Wildlife Conservationists Looking For Professional Bear Hugger
Conservation officers hug a bear cub during a research project in Northern New Mexico, USA, undated. An ad hiring professional bear huggers was posted advertising the job of conservation officer for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, in March, 2023. (@nmdgf/Newsflash)

USA Wildlife Conservationists Looking For Professional Bear Hugger

Wildlife conservation authorities in the USA are looking for a professional bear hugger. Conservation officers hug a bear cub during a research project in Northern New Mexico, USA, undated. An…

Read more about the article Oldest Sea Reptile Found On Arctic Island Mountain
Image shows a reconstruction of the earliest ichthyosaur and the 250-million-year-old ecosystem found on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, undated photo. A team of Swedish and Norwegian palaeontologists has discovered remains of the earliest known ichthyosaur or 'fish-lizard' on the remote Arctic island of Spitsbergen. (Esther van Hulsen/Newsflash)

Oldest Sea Reptile Found On Arctic Island Mountain

Ancient remains of a terrifying 250-million-year-old sea reptile have been found halfway up a mountain in Norway. Image shows a reconstruction of the earliest ichthyosaur and the 250-million-year-old ecosystem found…

Read more about the article Ancient Stone Age Human Tools Could Have Been Made By Monkeys, Says Study
Image shows an example of a long-tailed macaque using a stone tool to access food, undated photo. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in the city of Leipzig, Germany, claimed that some accidentally produced stone fragments made by macaques resemble some of the earliest hominin stone artifacts. ( Lydia V. Luncz/Newsflash)

Ancient Stone Age Human Tools Could Have Been Made By Monkeys, Says Study

New research into ancient tools has revealed that cutting stones once believed to be made by early humans could actually have been the work of monkeys. Image shows an example…

Read more about the article Sexy Kardashian Vocal Fry Used By Whales To Catch  Prey
Image shows a scan of the sound producing nose of a harbor porpoise, undated photo. It shows parts of the two sound sources, and the fatty melon that conducts sound into the water. (Christian B. Christensen, Aarhus University/Newsflash)

Sexy Kardashian Vocal Fry Used By Whales To Catch Prey

A sexy vocal technique used by Kim Kardashian and Katy Perry is also being used by dolphins and whales to help them catch their prey, says a new study. Vocal…