This is the terrifying moment a young alligator is found resting up in a hotel’s public loo in Brazil.
The juvenile ‘gator was discovered by shocked staff at the hotel in Pocone, in the state of Mato Grosso, wedged between the loo bowl and the wall on 30th May.
The hotel is close to the region’s Bento Gomez River in the nearby Taiama Ecological Station, a haven for local wildlife.
Protected rainforest animals regularly wander into the hotel and startle guests, the manager told local media.

He said: “It’s common for us to encounter animals like tapirs, anacondas, capybaras, alligators, because we’re practically in their habitat.
“It would be more frightening for a tourist, but we’re used to them.
“Every now and then they appear on the hotel balcony.”

The alligator was reportedly removed from the loo and returned to its natural habitat unharmed by two of the hotel’s workers who have experience handling wild animals.